Winter Wheat

Winter Wheat

Wheat is the most important food crop. It is not an accident that winter wheat is the staple food in 43 countries with a population of over 1 billion people.

Chemical composition of the grains has all the necessary elements of food: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, enzymes and minerals.

A key component is a protein grain. Its content can vary from 8 to 22%. All major life processes of the human (metabolism, ability to grow and develop, reproduction) are connected with proteins. It is impossible to replace protein in the diet.

The most important component in the grain of wheat is a fibrinous protein.

Gluten is a water insoluble resilient-elastic gel, that is formed in the result of mixing milled flour with water. The basis of gluten are alcohol soluble and alkali soluble proteins - gliadin and gluten. No other cereal has such a valuable combination of these two important components.

The main part of the wheat are carbohydrates. They are mainly presented in starch (48-63%). Carbohydrates have a great energy value in human nutrition.

The fat content in the grain of wheat is on average 2% and placed in the germ and aleurone layer.

Bread flour is marked with high taste properties and is well absorbed. It has high calorie content - 100 g of wheat bread contains 245-255 calories. Grain is used to produce cereals, pasta, noodles, confectionery and so on. In the industry, wheat is used to produce starch, alcohol. Wheat bran is a highly concentrated food for all kinds of animals.

Straw in crushed and boiled form can be fed to the animals. 100 kg of straw contains 20-22 animal feed units. The best usage for the straw is to improve soil fertility - directly as fertilizer in soil wrap or the production of manure and compost.