Spring Wheat

Spring Wheat

Grain of spring wheat has high bakery and cereal qualities, contains more protein than grain of winter wheat. Grains of soft and hard spring wheat have high protein content (14-16% soft, solid 15-18%) and gluten content - 28-40%. Strong flour varieties are improving weak flour varieties when baking bread. Grains of hard spring wheat are used to produce the best varieties of pasta, noodles, semolina.

Spring wheat also has a feed value: it is used to produce animal feed and bran - as concentrated feed, straw and chaff - as roughage.

The main distribution area of ​​spring wheat in the world are Kazakhstan, Russia.

Ukraine is growing mostly winter wheat and spring wheat occupies a small area. Spring wheat gives lower (10-15% less) yields than winter. This is a valuable insurance cereal for replanting dead winter wheat. A soft spring wheat is grown in Ukraine mainly in the areas of right-bank forest-steppe and Polissia, solid - in the southern and eastern steppes.

Modern varieties of spring wheat can provide a yield of 3000-5000 kg/ ha and above.